We're off to the National Finals!

S.T.A.G.S. gymnasts Michael, Harry and Katherine will be representing their school, Huish Episcopi Academy and the south west region in the under 16 mixed team category, at the national finals of the British Schools Gymnastics Association, inaugural Trio Competition.  

There were disappointingly few competitors for this new competition, perhaps because we all received the required criteria so late.  Nevertheless, with a lot of hard work around 50 competitors took to the floor.  Only two teams will go through to the national finals representing the south west of England this year.  Kingsley School's team from north Devon will compete in the under 16 girls' section and our own S.T.A.G.S. gymnasts representing Huish Episcopi Academy will compete in the under 16 mixed section.  All our Crispin School teams were in the same section as Kingsley  who were very strong again this year and the Crispin Kestrels team were also edged out of second place by St Peters team from Gloucester by 0.25 of a mark after lying in second place at the completion of the floor and vault rounds. Final scores: Kingsleys 112.2, St Peters 107, Crispin Kestrels 106.75. Below are snap shots of our five girls teams at work.

Crispin Kestrels 

Crispin Skylarks 

Crispin Swallows 

Crispin Swifts 

STAGS club team 

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